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WebSocket API Reference

This document is a description of most of the APIs available for use in the PubSub WebSocket.

Table of Contents

WebSocket Events

Events take the form of...

interface Event {
  domain: string
  type: string
  payload: unknown

...where payload is defined in the following sections for each event.

direct domain

Events sent directly to a WebSocket connection. These are mostly responses to requests.

subscription-result type

Sent after you send a subscribe request.

interface DirectSubscriptionResultPayload {
  success: string[]
  failure: string[]

whoami type

Sent after you send a whoami request.

interface DirectWhoAmIPayload {
  connectionID: string

login-success type

Sent when a user uses the connectionID from the whoami event to log in to a Crowd Control account.

interface DirectLoginSuccessEvent {
  token: string // CrowdControlAuthToken

login-failure type

Sent when a user uses the connectionID from the whoami event to try logging into a Crowd Control account, but experiences an issue.

interface DirectLoginFailureEvent {
  title?: string
  message?: string
  link?: {
    href: string
    text: string

bad-request type

Sent when you make an invalid request.

interface DirectBadRequestEvent {
  message: string

game-session-checksum-update type [direct]

interface DirectGameSessionChecksumUpdate {
  checksum: string

pub domain

Events intended to be received by any viewer of a Crowd Control streamer.

game-session-start type

interface PublicGameSessionStartPayload {
  gameSessionID: string // GameSessionID

game-session-stop type

interface PublicGameSessionStopPayload {
  gameSessionID: string // GameSessionID

lobby-user-update type

interface PublicLobbyUserUpdatePayload {
  participant: {
    // LobbyUser
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    status: 'in-session' | 'checklist-green' | 'checklist-red' | 'left' // LobbyStatus
     * When the user joined the lobby in ISO format
    joinedAt: string

lobby-user-remove type

interface PublicLobbyUserRemovePayload {
  ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID

effect-request type [pub]

interface PublicEffectRequestPayload {
  effect: {
    // GameSessionPublicEffectPayloadEffectData
    effectID: string // EffectID
    type: 'game' | 'overlay' | 'sfx'
      | string
      | {
          public: string
          sort?: string
    image: string
    note?: string
    description?: string
    tags?: string[]
    disabled?: boolean
    new?: boolean
    inactive?: boolean
    admin?: boolean
    category?: string[]
    group?: string[]
    tiktok?: {
      name: string
      image: string
      id: number
      duration?: {
        value: number
        immutable?: boolean
    sessionCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    userCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    scale?: {
      duration: number
      percent: number
      startTime: number
      startScale: number
    hidden?: boolean
    unavailable?: boolean
  target: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
  origin?: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
  requester?: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    | {
        // SanitizedSourceDetails
        type: 'crowd-control-test'
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-retry'
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'twitch-channel-reward'
        rewardID: string
        redemptionID: string
        twitchID: string
        cost: number
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-chaos-mode'
    | {
        type: 'pulsoid-trigger'
        cooldown: number
        heartRate: number
        uuid: string
        triggerType: 'rise-above' | 'fall-below'
        targetHeartRate: number
        holdTime: number
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'tiktok-gift'
        userID: string
        cost: number
        giftName: string
        giftID: number
        transactionID?: string
    | {
        type: 'stream-labs-donation'
        name?: string
        message?: string
  anonymous?: boolean
  game: {
    // GameRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
  gamePack: {
    // GamePackRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
   * The parameter options chosen by the viewer.
  parameters?: {
    // EffectRequestParameters
     * The internal developer ID of the parameter.
    [parameterID: string]: {
       * The display name of the parameter.
      title: string
       * The type of the parameter.
       * `hex-color` is currently unused.
      type: 'options' | 'hex-color'
       * The internal developer ID of the chosen value.
      value: string
       * The display name of the chosen value.
       * Undefined when `type` is not `options`.
      name?: string
  pooled?: boolean
  quantity?: number
  requestID: string // GameSessionRequestID
  timestamp: number
  example?: boolean
  localTimestamp?: number

timed-effect-update type [pub]

interface PublicTimedEffectUpdatePayload {
  status: 'begin' | 'end' | 'pause' | 'resume' // GameSessionTimedEffectStatus
   * Time remaining on the effect in milliseconds
  timeRemaining: number
  effect: {
    // GameSessionPublicEffectPayloadEffectData
    effectID: string // EffectID
    type: 'game' | 'overlay' | 'sfx'
      | string
      | {
          public: string
          sort?: string
    image: string
    note?: string
    description?: string
    tags?: string[]
    disabled?: boolean
    new?: boolean
    inactive?: boolean
    admin?: boolean
    category?: string[]
    group?: string[]
    tiktok?: {
      name: string
      image: string
      id: number
      duration?: {
        value: number
        immutable?: boolean
    sessionCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    userCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    scale?: {
      duration: number
      percent: number
      startTime: number
      startScale: number
    hidden?: boolean
    unavailable?: boolean
  target: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
  origin?: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
  requester?: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    | {
        // SanitizedSourceDetails
        type: 'crowd-control-test'
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-retry'
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'twitch-channel-reward'
        rewardID: string
        redemptionID: string
        twitchID: string
        cost: number
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-chaos-mode'
    | {
        type: 'pulsoid-trigger'
        cooldown: number
        heartRate: number
        uuid: string
        triggerType: 'rise-above' | 'fall-below'
        targetHeartRate: number
        holdTime: number
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'tiktok-gift'
        userID: string
        cost: number
        giftName: string
        giftID: number
        transactionID?: string
    | {
        type: 'stream-labs-donation'
        name?: string
        message?: string
  anonymous?: boolean
  game: {
    // GameRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
  gamePack: {
    // GamePackRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
   * The parameter options chosen by the viewer.
  parameters?: {
    // EffectRequestParameters
     * The internal developer ID of the parameter.
    [parameterID: string]: {
       * The display name of the parameter.
      title: string
       * The type of the parameter.
       * `hex-color` is currently unused.
      type: 'options' | 'hex-color'
       * The internal developer ID of the chosen value.
      value: string
       * The display name of the chosen value.
       * Undefined when `type` is not `options`.
      name?: string
  pooled?: boolean
  quantity?: number
  requestID: string // GameSessionRequestID
  timestamp: number
  example?: boolean
  localTimestamp?: number

effect-success type [pub]

interface PublicEffectSuccessPayload {
  effect: {
    // GameSessionPublicEffectPayloadEffectData
    effectID: string // EffectID
    type: 'game' | 'overlay' | 'sfx'
      | string
      | {
          public: string
          sort?: string
    image: string
    note?: string
    description?: string
    tags?: string[]
    disabled?: boolean
    new?: boolean
    inactive?: boolean
    admin?: boolean
    category?: string[]
    group?: string[]
    tiktok?: {
      name: string
      image: string
      id: number
      duration?: {
        value: number
        immutable?: boolean
    sessionCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    userCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    scale?: {
      duration: number
      percent: number
      startTime: number
      startScale: number
    hidden?: boolean
    unavailable?: boolean
  target: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
  origin?: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
  requester?: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    | {
        // SanitizedSourceDetails
        type: 'crowd-control-test'
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-retry'
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'twitch-channel-reward'
        rewardID: string
        redemptionID: string
        twitchID: string
        cost: number
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-chaos-mode'
    | {
        type: 'pulsoid-trigger'
        cooldown: number
        heartRate: number
        uuid: string
        triggerType: 'rise-above' | 'fall-below'
        targetHeartRate: number
        holdTime: number
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'tiktok-gift'
        userID: string
        cost: number
        giftName: string
        giftID: number
        transactionID?: string
    | {
        type: 'stream-labs-donation'
        name?: string
        message?: string
  anonymous?: boolean
  game: {
    // GameRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
  gamePack: {
    // GamePackRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
   * The parameter options chosen by the viewer.
  parameters?: {
    // EffectRequestParameters
     * The internal developer ID of the parameter.
    [parameterID: string]: {
       * The display name of the parameter.
      title: string
       * The type of the parameter.
       * `hex-color` is currently unused.
      type: 'options' | 'hex-color'
       * The internal developer ID of the chosen value.
      value: string
       * The display name of the chosen value.
       * Undefined when `type` is not `options`.
      name?: string
  pooled?: boolean
  quantity?: number
  requestID: string // GameSessionRequestID
  timestamp: number
  example?: boolean
  localTimestamp?: number

effect-refund type [pub]

interface PublicEffectRefundPayload {
  effect: {
    // GameSessionPublicEffectPayloadEffectData
    effectID: string // EffectID
    type: 'game' | 'overlay' | 'sfx'
      | string
      | {
          public: string
          sort?: string
    image: string
    note?: string
    description?: string
    tags?: string[]
    disabled?: boolean
    new?: boolean
    inactive?: boolean
    admin?: boolean
    category?: string[]
    group?: string[]
    tiktok?: {
      name: string
      image: string
      id: number
      duration?: {
        value: number
        immutable?: boolean
    sessionCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    userCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    scale?: {
      duration: number
      percent: number
      startTime: number
      startScale: number
    hidden?: boolean
    unavailable?: boolean
  target: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
  origin?: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
  requester?: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    | {
        // SanitizedSourceDetails
        type: 'crowd-control-test'
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-retry'
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'twitch-channel-reward'
        rewardID: string
        redemptionID: string
        twitchID: string
        cost: number
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-chaos-mode'
    | {
        type: 'pulsoid-trigger'
        cooldown: number
        heartRate: number
        uuid: string
        triggerType: 'rise-above' | 'fall-below'
        targetHeartRate: number
        holdTime: number
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'tiktok-gift'
        userID: string
        cost: number
        giftName: string
        giftID: number
        transactionID?: string
    | {
        type: 'stream-labs-donation'
        name?: string
        message?: string
  anonymous?: boolean
  game: {
    // GameRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
  gamePack: {
    // GamePackRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
   * The parameter options chosen by the viewer.
  parameters?: {
    // EffectRequestParameters
     * The internal developer ID of the parameter.
    [parameterID: string]: {
       * The display name of the parameter.
      title: string
       * The type of the parameter.
       * `hex-color` is currently unused.
      type: 'options' | 'hex-color'
       * The internal developer ID of the chosen value.
      value: string
       * The display name of the chosen value.
       * Undefined when `type` is not `options`.
      name?: string
  pooled?: boolean
  quantity?: number
  requestID: string // GameSessionRequestID
  timestamp: number
  example?: boolean
  localTimestamp?: number

effect-retry type [pub]

interface PublicEffectRetryPayload {
  effect: {
    // GameSessionPublicEffectPayloadEffectData
    effectID: string // EffectID
    type: 'game' | 'overlay' | 'sfx'
      | string
      | {
          public: string
          sort?: string
    image: string
    note?: string
    description?: string
    tags?: string[]
    disabled?: boolean
    new?: boolean
    inactive?: boolean
    admin?: boolean
    category?: string[]
    group?: string[]
    tiktok?: {
      name: string
      image: string
      id: number
      duration?: {
        value: number
        immutable?: boolean
    sessionCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    userCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    scale?: {
      duration: number
      percent: number
      startTime: number
      startScale: number
    hidden?: boolean
    unavailable?: boolean
  target: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
  origin?: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
  requester?: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    | {
        // SanitizedSourceDetails
        type: 'crowd-control-test'
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-retry'
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'twitch-channel-reward'
        rewardID: string
        redemptionID: string
        twitchID: string
        cost: number
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-chaos-mode'
    | {
        type: 'pulsoid-trigger'
        cooldown: number
        heartRate: number
        uuid: string
        triggerType: 'rise-above' | 'fall-below'
        targetHeartRate: number
        holdTime: number
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'tiktok-gift'
        userID: string
        cost: number
        giftName: string
        giftID: number
        transactionID?: string
    | {
        type: 'stream-labs-donation'
        name?: string
        message?: string
  anonymous?: boolean
  game: {
    // GameRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
  gamePack: {
    // GamePackRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
   * The parameter options chosen by the viewer.
  parameters?: {
    // EffectRequestParameters
     * The internal developer ID of the parameter.
    [parameterID: string]: {
       * The display name of the parameter.
      title: string
       * The type of the parameter.
       * `hex-color` is currently unused.
      type: 'options' | 'hex-color'
       * The internal developer ID of the chosen value.
      value: string
       * The display name of the chosen value.
       * Undefined when `type` is not `options`.
      name?: string
  pooled?: boolean
  quantity?: number
  requestID: string // GameSessionRequestID
  timestamp: number
  example?: boolean
  localTimestamp?: number

effect-failure type [pub]

interface PublicEffectFailurePayload {
  temporary?: boolean
  message?: string
  effect: {
    // GameSessionPublicEffectPayloadEffectData
    effectID: string // EffectID
    type: 'game' | 'overlay' | 'sfx'
      | string
      | {
          public: string
          sort?: string
    image: string
    note?: string
    description?: string
    tags?: string[]
    disabled?: boolean
    new?: boolean
    inactive?: boolean
    admin?: boolean
    category?: string[]
    group?: string[]
    tiktok?: {
      name: string
      image: string
      id: number
      duration?: {
        value: number
        immutable?: boolean
    sessionCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    userCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    scale?: {
      duration: number
      percent: number
      startTime: number
      startScale: number
    hidden?: boolean
    unavailable?: boolean
  target: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
  origin?: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
  requester?: {
    // SanitizedUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    | {
        // SanitizedSourceDetails
        type: 'crowd-control-test'
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-retry'
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'twitch-channel-reward'
        rewardID: string
        redemptionID: string
        twitchID: string
        cost: number
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-chaos-mode'
    | {
        type: 'pulsoid-trigger'
        cooldown: number
        heartRate: number
        uuid: string
        triggerType: 'rise-above' | 'fall-below'
        targetHeartRate: number
        holdTime: number
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'tiktok-gift'
        userID: string
        cost: number
        giftName: string
        giftID: number
        transactionID?: string
    | {
        type: 'stream-labs-donation'
        name?: string
        message?: string
  anonymous?: boolean
  game: {
    // GameRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
  gamePack: {
    // GamePackRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
   * The parameter options chosen by the viewer.
  parameters?: {
    // EffectRequestParameters
     * The internal developer ID of the parameter.
    [parameterID: string]: {
       * The display name of the parameter.
      title: string
       * The type of the parameter.
       * `hex-color` is currently unused.
      type: 'options' | 'hex-color'
       * The internal developer ID of the chosen value.
      value: string
       * The display name of the chosen value.
       * Undefined when `type` is not `options`.
      name?: string
  pooled?: boolean
  quantity?: number
  requestID: string // GameSessionRequestID
  timestamp: number
  example?: boolean
  localTimestamp?: number

game-session-menu-update type

A partial update of the session's menu. Unchanged parameters or identified array entries may be missing.

interface PublicGameSessionMenuUpdatePayload {
  menu: {
    meta: {
       * The game that owns this game pack.
       * A game can hold multiple packs, for instance the "Super Mario 64" game contains
       * "Super Mario 64", "Super Mario 64 Randomizer v0.5.2", and "Super Mario 64 Randomizer v1.1.2".
       * The game is used for basic display in the game library while the pack determines the connector data and effect list.
      game: {
          | string
          | {
              public: string
              sort?: string
        gameID: string
        platforms: (
          | 'GB'
          | 'GBA'
          | 'GCN'
          | 'GEN'
          | 'GG'
          | 'IOT'
          | 'N64'
          | 'NES'
          | 'Other'
          | 'PC'
          | 'PS1'
          | 'PS2'
          | 'SNES'
          | 'Wii'
          | 'WiiU'
        tags?: string[]
        title?: string
        description?: string
        image?: string
        twitch?: {
          id: string
        keywords?: string[]
        recommended?: boolean
        releaseDate: string
        earlyAccess?: boolean
        newUpdate?: boolean
        disabled?: boolean
        clips?: {
          platform: string
          name: string
          url: string
        | string
        | {
            public: string
            sort?: string
      description?: string
      image?: string
      recommended?: boolean
      releaseDate: string
      earlyAccess?: boolean
      newUpdate?: boolean
      disabled?: boolean
      note?: string
      new?: boolean
      emulator?: 'bizhawk' | 'cemu' | 'dolphin' | 'pcsx2' | 'project64'
      firmware?: string
      executable?: string
      initiateFromCrowdControl?: boolean
      launcher?: string
      process?: string
      mod?: {
        path?: string
        version?: string
        port?: number
        logPath?: string
      extraArgs?: string[]
      patch?: boolean
      proExclusive?: boolean
      guide?: string
      guideCheck?: boolean
      thunderstore?: {
        name?: string
        url?: string
        handlerURL?: string
        modName?: string
        incompatibleMods?: string[]
      warningMessage?: string
      supportedVersions?: {
        id: string
        rev: number
      prelaunch?: boolean
      devs?: {
        name: string
        url?: string
      frameworks?: {
        name: string
        id: string
      lastStepMessage?: string
    effects: {
        | string
        | {
            public: string
            sort?: string
      effectID: EffectID
      type: 'game'
      tags?: string[]
      description?: string
      image?: string
      disabled?: boolean
      note?: string
      new?: boolean
      inactive?: boolean
      admin?: boolean
      category?: string[]
      group?: string[]
      tiktok?: {
        name: string
        image: string
        id: number
        duration?: {
          value: number
          immutable?: boolean
      sessionCooldown?: {
        startTime: number
        duration: number
      userCooldown?: {
        startTime: number
        duration: number
      scale?: {
        duration: number
        percent: number
        startTime: number
        startScale: number
      hidden?: boolean
      unavailable?: boolean

game-session-menu-sync type

Like game-session-menu-sync, but it includes the full effects array.

interface PublicGameSessionMenuSyncPayload {
  menu: {
    meta: {
       * The game that owns this game pack.
       * A game can hold multiple packs, for instance the "Super Mario 64" game contains
       * "Super Mario 64", "Super Mario 64 Randomizer v0.5.2", and "Super Mario 64 Randomizer v1.1.2".
       * The game is used for basic display in the game library while the pack determines the connector data and effect list.
      game: {
          | string
          | {
              public: string
              sort?: string
        gameID: string
        platforms: (
          | 'GB'
          | 'GBA'
          | 'GCN'
          | 'GEN'
          | 'GG'
          | 'IOT'
          | 'N64'
          | 'NES'
          | 'Other'
          | 'PC'
          | 'PS1'
          | 'PS2'
          | 'SNES'
          | 'Wii'
          | 'WiiU'
        tags?: string[]
        title?: string
        description?: string
        image?: string
        twitch?: {
          id: string
        keywords?: string[]
        recommended?: boolean
        releaseDate: string
        earlyAccess?: boolean
        newUpdate?: boolean
        disabled?: boolean
        clips?: {
          platform: string
          name: string
          url: string
        | string
        | {
            public: string
            sort?: string
      description?: string
      image?: string
      recommended?: boolean
      releaseDate: string
      earlyAccess?: boolean
      newUpdate?: boolean
      disabled?: boolean
      note?: string
      new?: boolean
      emulator?: 'bizhawk' | 'cemu' | 'dolphin' | 'pcsx2' | 'project64'
      firmware?: string
      executable?: string
      initiateFromCrowdControl?: boolean
      launcher?: string
      process?: string
      mod?: {
        path?: string
        version?: string
        port?: number
        logPath?: string
      extraArgs?: string[]
      patch?: boolean
      proExclusive?: boolean
      guide?: string
      guideCheck?: boolean
      thunderstore?: {
        name?: string
        url?: string
        handlerURL?: string
        modName?: string
        incompatibleMods?: string[]
      warningMessage?: string
      supportedVersions?: {
        id: string
        rev: number
      prelaunch?: boolean
      devs?: {
        name: string
        url?: string
      frameworks?: {
        name: string
        id: string
      lastStepMessage?: string
    effects: {
        | string
        | {
            public: string
            sort?: string
      effectID: EffectID
      type: 'game'
      tags?: string[]
      description?: string
      image?: string
      disabled?: boolean
      note?: string
      new?: boolean
      inactive?: boolean
      admin?: boolean
      category?: string[]
      group?: string[]
      tiktok?: {
        name: string
        image: string
        id: number
        duration?: {
          value: number
          immutable?: boolean
      sessionCooldown?: {
        startTime: number
        duration: number
      userCooldown?: {
        startTime: number
        duration: number
      scale?: {
        duration: number
        percent: number
        startTime: number
        startScale: number
      hidden?: boolean
      unavailable?: boolean

pro-subscription-update type

interface PublicProSubscriptionUpdatePayload {
  active: boolean

bonus-coin-reset type

interface PublicBonusCoinResetPayload {
   * ISO
  resetAt: string
interface PublicProfileLinkSuccessPayload {
  profileType: 'tiktok' | 'pulsoid' // ValidLinkedProfileType
interface PublicProfileLinkFailurePayload {
  profileType: 'tiktok' | 'pulsoid' // ValidLinkedProfileType
interface PublicProfileUnlinkPayload {
  profileType: 'tiktok' | 'pulsoid' // ValidLinkedProfileType

user-ban-update type

interface PublicUserBanUpdatePayload {
  type: 'ban' | 'unban'
  user: {
    // MinimalUserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile?: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID?: string

command-request type

Command Requests are sent to the client to trigger a specific action on the client side such as reloading the menu or balance or executing a command

type Command = 'reload-menu' | 'reload-balance' | 'reload-commands'
interface PublicCommandRequestPayload {
  command: Command | Command[]

prv domain

Primarily the same as the pub events but with extra information related to costs and revenue, such as price, unitPrice, payments, and split.

effect-request type [prv]

interface PrivateEffectRequestPayload {
  effect: {
    // GameSessionEffectPayloadEffectData
    effectID: string // EffectID
    type: 'game' | 'overlay' | 'sfx'
      | string
      | {
          public: string
          sort?: string
    image: string
    price: number
    pool?: number
    note?: string
    description?: string
    tags?: string[]
    disabled?: boolean
    new?: boolean
    inactive?: boolean
    admin?: boolean
    category?: string[]
    group?: string[]
    tiktok?: {
      name: string
      image: string
      id: number
      duration?: {
        value: number
        immutable?: boolean
    sessionCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    userCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    scale?: {
      duration: number
      percent: number
      startTime: number
      startScale: number
    hidden?: boolean
    unavailable?: boolean
  target: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  origin?: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  requester?: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  sourceDetails?: // SourceDetails
  | {
        type: 'crowd-control-test'
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-retry'
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'twitch-channel-reward'
        rewardID: string
        redemptionID: string
        twitchID: string
        cost: number
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-chaos-mode'
    | {
        type: 'pulsoid-trigger'
        cooldown: number
        heartRate: number
        uuid: string
        triggerType: 'rise-above' | 'fall-below'
        targetHeartRate: number
        holdTime: number
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'tiktok-gift'
        userID: string
        cost: number
        giftName: string
        giftID: number
        transactionID?: string
    | {
        type: 'stream-labs-donation'
        currency: string
        cost: number
        donationID: string
        name?: string
        message?: string
  anonymous?: boolean
  game: {
    // GameRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
  gamePack: {
    // GamePackRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
   * The parameter options chosen by the viewer.
  parameters?: {
    // EffectRequestParameters
     * The internal developer ID of the parameter.
    [parameterID: string]: {
       * The display name of the parameter.
      title: string
       * The type of the parameter.
       * `hex-color` is currently unused.
      type: 'options' | 'hex-color'
       * The internal developer ID of the chosen value.
      value: string
       * The display name of the chosen value.
       * Undefined when `type` is not `options`.
      name?: string
  price: number
  unitPrice: number
  payments?: {
    global: {
      free: number
      paid: number
    local: {
      free: number
      paid: number
  pooled?: boolean
  quantity?: number
  requestID: string // GameSessionRequestID
  timestamp: number
  example?: boolean
  localTimestamp?: number

timed-effect-update type [prv]

interface PrivateTimedEffectUpdatePayload {
  status: 'begin' | 'end' | 'pause' | 'resume' // GameSessionTimedEffectStatus
   * Time remaining on the effect in milliseconds
  timeRemaining: number
  effect: {
    // GameSessionEffectPayloadEffectData
    effectID: string // EffectID
    type: 'game' | 'overlay' | 'sfx'
      | string
      | {
          public: string
          sort?: string
    image: string
    price: number
    pool?: number
    note?: string
    description?: string
    tags?: string[]
    disabled?: boolean
    new?: boolean
    inactive?: boolean
    admin?: boolean
    category?: string[]
    group?: string[]
    tiktok?: {
      name: string
      image: string
      id: number
      duration?: {
        value: number
        immutable?: boolean
    sessionCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    userCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    scale?: {
      duration: number
      percent: number
      startTime: number
      startScale: number
    hidden?: boolean
    unavailable?: boolean
  target: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  origin?: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  requester?: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  sourceDetails?: // SourceDetails
  | {
        type: 'crowd-control-test'
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-retry'
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'twitch-channel-reward'
        rewardID: string
        redemptionID: string
        twitchID: string
        cost: number
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-chaos-mode'
    | {
        type: 'pulsoid-trigger'
        cooldown: number
        heartRate: number
        uuid: string
        triggerType: 'rise-above' | 'fall-below'
        targetHeartRate: number
        holdTime: number
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'tiktok-gift'
        userID: string
        cost: number
        giftName: string
        giftID: number
        transactionID?: string
    | {
        type: 'stream-labs-donation'
        currency: string
        cost: number
        donationID: string
        name?: string
        message?: string
  anonymous?: boolean
  game: {
    // GameRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
  gamePack: {
    // GamePackRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
   * The parameter options chosen by the viewer.
  parameters?: {
    // EffectRequestParameters
     * The internal developer ID of the parameter.
    [parameterID: string]: {
       * The display name of the parameter.
      title: string
       * The type of the parameter.
       * `hex-color` is currently unused.
      type: 'options' | 'hex-color'
       * The internal developer ID of the chosen value.
      value: string
       * The display name of the chosen value.
       * Undefined when `type` is not `options`.
      name?: string
  price: number
  unitPrice: number
  payments?: {
    global: {
      free: number
      paid: number
    local: {
      free: number
      paid: number
  pooled?: boolean
  quantity?: number
  requestID: string // GameSessionRequestID
  timestamp: number
  example?: boolean
  localTimestamp?: number

effect-success type [prv]

interface PrivateEffectSuccessPayload {
  effect: {
    // GameSessionEffectPayloadEffectData
    effectID: string // EffectID
    type: 'game' | 'overlay' | 'sfx'
      | string
      | {
          public: string
          sort?: string
    image: string
    price: number
    pool?: number
    note?: string
    description?: string
    tags?: string[]
    disabled?: boolean
    new?: boolean
    inactive?: boolean
    admin?: boolean
    category?: string[]
    group?: string[]
    tiktok?: {
      name: string
      image: string
      id: number
      duration?: {
        value: number
        immutable?: boolean
    sessionCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    userCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    scale?: {
      duration: number
      percent: number
      startTime: number
      startScale: number
    hidden?: boolean
    unavailable?: boolean
  target: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  origin?: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  requester?: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  sourceDetails?: // SourceDetails
  | {
        type: 'crowd-control-test'
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-retry'
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'twitch-channel-reward'
        rewardID: string
        redemptionID: string
        twitchID: string
        cost: number
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-chaos-mode'
    | {
        type: 'pulsoid-trigger'
        cooldown: number
        heartRate: number
        uuid: string
        triggerType: 'rise-above' | 'fall-below'
        targetHeartRate: number
        holdTime: number
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'tiktok-gift'
        userID: string
        cost: number
        giftName: string
        giftID: number
        transactionID?: string
    | {
        type: 'stream-labs-donation'
        currency: string
        cost: number
        donationID: string
        name?: string
        message?: string
  anonymous?: boolean
  game: {
    // GameRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
  gamePack: {
    // GamePackRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
   * The parameter options chosen by the viewer.
  parameters?: {
    // EffectRequestParameters
     * The internal developer ID of the parameter.
    [parameterID: string]: {
       * The display name of the parameter.
      title: string
       * The type of the parameter.
       * `hex-color` is currently unused.
      type: 'options' | 'hex-color'
       * The internal developer ID of the chosen value.
      value: string
       * The display name of the chosen value.
       * Undefined when `type` is not `options`.
      name?: string
  price: number
  unitPrice: number
  payments?: {
    global: {
      free: number
      paid: number
    local: {
      free: number
      paid: number
  pooled?: boolean
  quantity?: number
  requestID: string // GameSessionRequestID
  timestamp: number
  example?: boolean
  localTimestamp?: number

effect-refund type [prv]

interface PrivateEffectRefundPayload {
  effect: {
    // GameSessionEffectPayloadEffectData
    effectID: string // EffectID
    type: 'game' | 'overlay' | 'sfx'
      | string
      | {
          public: string
          sort?: string
    image: string
    price: number
    pool?: number
    note?: string
    description?: string
    tags?: string[]
    disabled?: boolean
    new?: boolean
    inactive?: boolean
    admin?: boolean
    category?: string[]
    group?: string[]
    tiktok?: {
      name: string
      image: string
      id: number
      duration?: {
        value: number
        immutable?: boolean
    sessionCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    userCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    scale?: {
      duration: number
      percent: number
      startTime: number
      startScale: number
    hidden?: boolean
    unavailable?: boolean
  target: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  origin?: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  requester?: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  sourceDetails?: // SourceDetails
  | {
        type: 'crowd-control-test'
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-retry'
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'twitch-channel-reward'
        rewardID: string
        redemptionID: string
        twitchID: string
        cost: number
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-chaos-mode'
    | {
        type: 'pulsoid-trigger'
        cooldown: number
        heartRate: number
        uuid: string
        triggerType: 'rise-above' | 'fall-below'
        targetHeartRate: number
        holdTime: number
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'tiktok-gift'
        userID: string
        cost: number
        giftName: string
        giftID: number
        transactionID?: string
    | {
        type: 'stream-labs-donation'
        currency: string
        cost: number
        donationID: string
        name?: string
        message?: string
  anonymous?: boolean
  game: {
    // GameRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
  gamePack: {
    // GamePackRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
   * The parameter options chosen by the viewer.
  parameters?: {
    // EffectRequestParameters
     * The internal developer ID of the parameter.
    [parameterID: string]: {
       * The display name of the parameter.
      title: string
       * The type of the parameter.
       * `hex-color` is currently unused.
      type: 'options' | 'hex-color'
       * The internal developer ID of the chosen value.
      value: string
       * The display name of the chosen value.
       * Undefined when `type` is not `options`.
      name?: string
  price: number
  unitPrice: number
  payments?: {
    global: {
      free: number
      paid: number
    local: {
      free: number
      paid: number
  pooled?: boolean
  quantity?: number
  requestID: string // GameSessionRequestID
  timestamp: number
  example?: boolean
  localTimestamp?: number

effect-retry type [prv]

interface PrivateEffectRetryPayload {
  effect: {
    // GameSessionEffectPayloadEffectData
    effectID: string // EffectID
    type: 'game' | 'overlay' | 'sfx'
      | string
      | {
          public: string
          sort?: string
    image: string
    price: number
    pool?: number
    note?: string
    description?: string
    tags?: string[]
    disabled?: boolean
    new?: boolean
    inactive?: boolean
    admin?: boolean
    category?: string[]
    group?: string[]
    tiktok?: {
      name: string
      image: string
      id: number
      duration?: {
        value: number
        immutable?: boolean
    sessionCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    userCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    scale?: {
      duration: number
      percent: number
      startTime: number
      startScale: number
    hidden?: boolean
    unavailable?: boolean
  target: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  origin?: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  requester?: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  sourceDetails?: // SourceDetails
  | {
        type: 'crowd-control-test'
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-retry'
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'twitch-channel-reward'
        rewardID: string
        redemptionID: string
        twitchID: string
        cost: number
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-chaos-mode'
    | {
        type: 'pulsoid-trigger'
        cooldown: number
        heartRate: number
        uuid: string
        triggerType: 'rise-above' | 'fall-below'
        targetHeartRate: number
        holdTime: number
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'tiktok-gift'
        userID: string
        cost: number
        giftName: string
        giftID: number
        transactionID?: string
    | {
        type: 'stream-labs-donation'
        currency: string
        cost: number
        donationID: string
        name?: string
        message?: string
  anonymous?: boolean
  game: {
    // GameRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
  gamePack: {
    // GamePackRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
   * The parameter options chosen by the viewer.
  parameters?: {
    // EffectRequestParameters
     * The internal developer ID of the parameter.
    [parameterID: string]: {
       * The display name of the parameter.
      title: string
       * The type of the parameter.
       * `hex-color` is currently unused.
      type: 'options' | 'hex-color'
       * The internal developer ID of the chosen value.
      value: string
       * The display name of the chosen value.
       * Undefined when `type` is not `options`.
      name?: string
  price: number
  unitPrice: number
  payments?: {
    global: {
      free: number
      paid: number
    local: {
      free: number
      paid: number
  pooled?: boolean
  quantity?: number
  requestID: string // GameSessionRequestID
  timestamp: number
  example?: boolean
  localTimestamp?: number

effect-failure type [prv]

interface PrivateEffectFailurePayload {
  temporary?: boolean
  message?: string
  effect: {
    // GameSessionEffectPayloadEffectData
    effectID: string // EffectID
    type: 'game' | 'overlay' | 'sfx'
      | string
      | {
          public: string
          sort?: string
    image: string
    price: number
    pool?: number
    note?: string
    description?: string
    tags?: string[]
    disabled?: boolean
    new?: boolean
    inactive?: boolean
    admin?: boolean
    category?: string[]
    group?: string[]
    tiktok?: {
      name: string
      image: string
      id: number
      duration?: {
        value: number
        immutable?: boolean
    sessionCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    userCooldown?: {
      startTime: number
      duration: number
    scale?: {
      duration: number
      percent: number
      startTime: number
      startScale: number
    hidden?: boolean
    unavailable?: boolean
  target: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  origin?: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  requester?: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  sourceDetails?: // SourceDetails
  | {
        type: 'crowd-control-test'
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-retry'
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'twitch-channel-reward'
        rewardID: string
        redemptionID: string
        twitchID: string
        cost: number
    | {
        type: 'crowd-control-chaos-mode'
    | {
        type: 'pulsoid-trigger'
        cooldown: number
        heartRate: number
        uuid: string
        triggerType: 'rise-above' | 'fall-below'
        targetHeartRate: number
        holdTime: number
    | {
        name: string
        type: 'tiktok-gift'
        userID: string
        cost: number
        giftName: string
        giftID: number
        transactionID?: string
    | {
        type: 'stream-labs-donation'
        currency: string
        cost: number
        donationID: string
        name?: string
        message?: string
  anonymous?: boolean
  game: {
    // GameRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
  gamePack: {
    // GamePackRecord
    gamePackID: string // GamePackID
      | 'GB'
      | 'GBA'
      | 'GCN'
      | 'GEN'
      | 'GG'
      | 'IOT'
      | 'N64'
      | 'NES'
      | 'Other'
      | 'PC'
      | 'PS1'
      | 'PS2'
      | 'SNES'
      | 'Wii'
      | 'WiiU' // GamePackPlatform
    name: string
    proExclusive?: boolean
    image?: string
   * The parameter options chosen by the viewer.
  parameters?: {
    // EffectRequestParameters
     * The internal developer ID of the parameter.
    [parameterID: string]: {
       * The display name of the parameter.
      title: string
       * The type of the parameter.
       * `hex-color` is currently unused.
      type: 'options' | 'hex-color'
       * The internal developer ID of the chosen value.
      value: string
       * The display name of the chosen value.
       * Undefined when `type` is not `options`.
      name?: string
  price: number
  unitPrice: number
  payments?: {
    global: {
      free: number
      paid: number
    local: {
      free: number
      paid: number
  pooled?: boolean
  quantity?: number
  requestID: string // GameSessionRequestID
  timestamp: number
  example?: boolean
  localTimestamp?: number

coin-exchange type

interface PrivateCoinExchangeEvent {
  amount: number
  coinType: 'free' | 'paid'
  target: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  exchanger: {
    // UserRecord
    ccUID: string // CrowdControlUserID
    image: string
    name: string
    profile: // ProfileType
    'twitch' | 'tiktok' | 'youtube' | 'discord' | 'tiktok-gifter' | 'pulsoid'
    originID: string
    subscriptions: ('pro' | 'tiktok')[]
    roles: (
      | 'admin'
      | 'ambassador'
      | 'trial'
      | 'debug'
      | 'dev'
      | 'partner'
      | 'staff'
    split?: number
  source?: // ExchangeSource
  | 'paypal'
    | 'stripe'
    | 'tiltify'
    | 'twitch-bits'
    | 'twitch-channel-points-redemption'
    | 'twitch-sub'
  timestamp: number
  transactionID: string // TransactionID
  example?: boolean
  anonymous?: boolean
  bonus?: number

WebSocket Requests

Requests take the form of...

interface Request {
  action: string
  data: unknown

...where data is defined in the following sections for each event.

whoami action

Asks the server for your Connection ID, which is necessary for allowing a user to sign in to your application. The request accepts no data.

See whoami event for the server's response.

subscribe action

Ask the server to send events from the specified topics.

See subscription-result event for the server's response.

interface SubscribeData {
   * A complete JWT auth token
  token?: string
   * A partial token obtained from the Overlay URL with limited backend access
  key?: string
   * PubSub topics are in the format of:
   * <domain>/<scope>/<target> or
   * <domain>/<target>
   * All domains are available here except direct as it is reserved for direct messages
   * from the server to a specific connection
  topics: string[] // PubSubEventTopicSchema

checksum action

interface ChecksumData {
  token: string

rpc action

Invokes an action on a user, typically their game session. See below subheadings for available calls.

interface RPCData {
  token: string
  call: unknown

effectResponse call

interface BaseEffectResponse {
   * `requestID` of the invoking `effect-request`
  request: string
   * Current UTC time in unix seconds
  stamp: number
   * Message to display to the viewer
  message: string

interface InstantEffectResponse extends BaseEffectResponse {
  status: 'success' | 'failTemporary' | 'failPermanent' | 'timedEnd'

interface TimedEffectResponse extends BaseEffectResponse {
  status: 'timedBegin' | 'timedPause' | 'timedResume' | 'delayEstimated'
  timeRemaining: number

type EffectResponse = InstantEffectResponse | TimedEffectResponse

interface EffectResponseCall {
  id: string
  type: 'call'
  method: 'effectResponse'
  args: [EffectResponse]

effectReport call

interface EffectReportCall {
  id: string
  type: 'call'
  method: 'effectReport'
  args: {
    id: string
    ids: string[]
    effectType?: 'overlay' | 'game' | 'sfx'
    identifierType?: 'effect' | 'group' | 'category'
    stamp: number
    status: 'menuAvailable' | 'menuUnavailable' | 'menuVisible' | 'menuHidden'